Choreography as Embodied Critical Inquiry: Embodied Cognition and Creative Movement
- Author: Welch, Shay
$109.75Special import
- Chapter 1: Dance: What does it all mean, anyway?
- Dance and Meaning
- Phenomenology and the Embodied Mind
- Embodied Metaphors and Enactivism
- Overview
- Chapter 2: Critical Inquiry and Creative Cognition
- What is Critical Inquiry
- Creativity and Critical Inquiry
- Creative Cognition in Dance Research
- Chapter 3: Affect and Embodied Intuition
- Affect in Embodied Theories
- Affect as Intuition
- Embodied Intuition and Dance
- As Aside: Bergson, Nietzsche, and Embodied Intuition in Dance
- Chapter 4: Improvisation vs. Choreography
- Improv
- Choreo
- The Different Aims of Improv and Choreo
- Chapter 5: Embodied Critical Inquiry (Main chapter)
- Embodied Inquiry vs Phenomenological Method
- Embodied Cognition and Procedural Knowledge
- Embodied Cognition in Thinking in Movement
- Embodied Critical Inquiry as Thinking in Movement
- Dancing Critical Inquiry through Linguistic Bodies
- Chapter 6: The Priority of the Soma
- Somatics
- Soma and Embodied Intuition
- Somatics in Dance Movement Therapy
- Soma and the Cognitive Unconscious
- Chapter 7: Embodied Critical Inquiry and Enactivism
- Enactivism in Embodied Theories of Cognition
- Enactivism and Dancing Linguistic Bodies
- Embodied Metaphors in Enactivist Frameworks
- Chapter 8: Dance Methodology
- Theory Behind the Method
- Methodological Framework and Procedure
- Chapter 9: Results of Methodology experiments
- General Results
- Connie
- Shannon
- Julianna
- Chapter 10: Remaining concerns