The Sound of Byzantium – The Byzantine Musical Instruments
- Author: Botonakis, Antonios
- Author: Maliaras, Nikos
- Author: Özkılıç, Merve
- Author: Troelsgard, Christian
$55.00Out of stock at the UK distributor
- Preface - Engin Akyurek
- Introduction - Antonios Botonakis & Merve OEzkilic
- 1) Iconography of Musical Instruments in Byzantine Visual Sources - Antonios Botonakis
- 2) Musical Instruments in Byzantine Literature - Christian Troelsgard
- 3) Ceremonial and Military Music and Musical Instruments for Byzantine Emperors in The Middle and Late Byzantine Period - Nikos Maliaras
- Dictionary of Byzantine Musical Instruments - Prepared by Antonios Botonakis and illustrated by Ezgi OEzbakkaloglu
- Bibliography
- Index