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Voice Studies: Critical Approaches to Process, Performance and Experience

  • Editor: Macpherson, Ben
  • Editor: Thomaidis, Konstantinos



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  • Foreword - Paul Barker
  • Part 1 : Introducing Voice Studies
  • Introduction voice(s) as a method and an in-between - Ben Macpherson and Konstantinos Thomaidis
  • 1. The Re-vocalization of Logos? Thinking, doing and disseminating voice - Konstantinos Thomaidis
  • Part 2 : Voice in Training and Process
  • 2. The Singularity of Experience in the Voice Studio: a dialogue with Michel Henry - Paivi Jarvioe
  • 3. Learning to Let Go: control and freedom in the passaggio - Tim Kjeldsen
  • 4. Training Actors' Voices: towards an intercultural/interdisciplinary approach - Tara McAllister-Viel
  • 5. A Sea of Honey: the speaking voice in the Javanese shadow puppet theatreJ - an Mrazek
  • Part 3 : Voice in Performance
  • 6. Nonsense: towards a vocal conceptual compass for art - Mikhail Karikis
  • 7. Performing the Entre-Deux: the capture of speech in (dis)embodied voices - Piersandra Di Matteo
  • 8. Sensing Voice: materiality and the lived body in singing and listening philosophy - Nina Sun Eidsheim
  • 9. Lamenting (with the) "Others," "Lamenting our Failure to Lament"? An auto-ethnographic account of the vocal expression of loss - Marios Chatziprokopiou
  • 10. Enchanted Voices: voice in Australian sound art - Norie Neumark
  • Part 4 : Voice in Experience and Documentation
  • 11. "Body Musicality": the visual, virtual, visceral voice - Ben Macpherson
  • 12. Transcribing Vocality: voice at the border of music after modernism - Pamela Karantonis
  • 13. Strange Objects/Strange Properties: female audibility and the acoustic stage prop - Ella Finer
  • 14. The Eavesdropper: listening-in and overhearing the voice in performance - Johanna Linsley
  • Part 5 : A Polyphonic
  • Conclusion
  • 15. What is Voice Studies? - Ben Macpherson, George Burrows, Diana Van Lancker Sidtis, Yvon Bonenfant, Lyn Darnley, Amanda Smallbone, Nina Sun Eidsheim, 'Femi Adedeji, Jaroslaw Fret, Konstantinos Thomaidis