Lost Majesty - Sacred Songs and Anthems by George Jeffreys
Solomon's Knot
One huge advantage Solomon’s Knot have in this type of music is the unrelenting beauty of their individual voices: listen for the cascading phrases in the four-voice work What praise can reach... — More…
Schallplattenkritik Quarterly Critics ChoiceSpring 2024
Presto Recordings of the YearFinalists 2024
2 CDs
Audio formats guideContents
Jeffreys, G: Hark, shepherd swains
- Solomon's Knot (early music ensemble)
Hark, shepherd swains
Jeffreys, G: Busy time this day
- Solomon's Knot (early music ensemble)
Busy time this day
Jeffreys, G: Brightest of days
- Solomon's Knot (early music ensemble)
Brightest of days
Jeffreys, G: Whisper it Easily
- Solomon's Knot (early music ensemble)
Whisper it easily
Jeffreys, G: Rise, heart, thy Lord is risen
- Solomon's Knot (early music ensemble)
Rise heart; thy Lord is risen
Jeffreys, G: Look up, all eyes
- Solomon's Knot (early music ensemble)
Look up, all eyes
Jeffreys, G: The Lord In Thy Adversity
- Solomon's Knot (early music ensemble)
The Lord in thy adversity
Jeffreys, G: A Music Strange
- Solomon's Knot (early music ensemble)
A music strange
Jeffreys, G: What Praise Can Reach Thy Clemency
- Solomon's Knot (early music ensemble)
What praise can reach thy clemency
Jeffreys, G: Turn Thee Again
- Solomon's Knot (early music ensemble)
Turn thee again