Schiedmayr: Prelude in D major
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
Schiedmayr: Prelude in A flat major
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
Kobrich: Pastorella in G
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
Kobrich: Pastorella in A major
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
Kobrich: Pastorella in D major
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
anon.: Sonata
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
anon.: Pastorella
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
Eberlin, J: Für den Jenner: Aria
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
Eberlin, J: Für den Wintermonat: Menueto
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
Eberlin, J: Das Wiegenlied für den Christmonat
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
Schnitzer: Sonata in G major
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
Grünberger: Pastorel for Organ
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
Pitsch: Pastoral Preludes
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
Aiblinger: Pastorale in G major
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)
Führer: Weihnachtsgabe
- Johannes Strobl (Great Organ of the Abbey Church of Muri)