Michael Flanders_D. Swann: Songs of Flanders & Swann
- Composer: Swann, D
- Lyricist: Flanders, Michael
Sheet Music
- A Song Of The Weather
- A Transport Of Delight (The Omnibus)
- All Gall
- Ballad Of The Rich
- Bedstead Men
- Budget Song
- Design For Living
- Excelsior
- Guide To Britten
- Ill Wind
- In The Bath
- Last Of The Line
- Madiera, M'dear?
- Misalliance
- Motor Perpetio
- P**p*b****b**d******
- Philological Waltz (Tonga)
- Pillar To Post
- Rain On The Plage
- Slow Train
- Song Of Patriotic Prejudice
- Song Of The Reproduction
- The Album
- The Armadillo
- The Elephant
- The Gas-man Cometh
- The Gnu
- The Hippopotamus
- The Lord Chamberlain's Regulations
- The Ostrich
- The Reluctant Cannibal
- The Rhinoceros
- The Sloth
- The Spider
- The Warthog
- The Whale (Mopy Dick)
- The Wild Boar
- The Wompom
- Twenty Tons Of Tnt
- Twice Shy
- Vanessa