Lesley Garrett: Song Collection
- Artist: Garrett, Lesley
Sheet Music
- All heaven declares [Noel and Tricia Richards]
- Beauty for brokenness [Graham Kendrick]
- By your side [Noel and Tricia Richards]
- Change My Heart, O God [Espinosa, Eddie]
- From heaven you came [Graham Kendrick]
- From the sun's rising [Graham Kendrick]
- Give Thanks With A Grateful Heart [Smith, Henry]
- Greater grace [Chris Bowater]
- Hallelujah, my Father [Tim Cullen]
- He Is Exalted [Paris, Twila]
- Jesus shall take the highest honour [Chris Bowater]
- Jubilate, everybody [Fred Dunn]
- Meekness and majesty [Graham Kendrick]
- O Lord, your tenderness [Graham Kendrick]
- Only by grace [Gerrit Gustafson]
- Such love [Graham Kendrick]
- There Is A Redeemer [Green, Melody]
- This is the year [Graham Kendrick]
- You laid aside your majesty [Noel Richards]
- You shall go out with joy [Stuart Dauermann and Steffi Geiser Rubin]