Blow - Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell
Elegy – Countertenor duets by Purcell & Blow
Iestyn Davies, James Hall (countertenors)
The King’s Consort, Robert King
Davies is the headline artist on the cover; but in fact he duets with James Hall on notably equal terms, the two voices subtly differing in timbre but compatible in articulation and expressivity.... — More…
Gramophone Magazine, Awards Issue 2019, Editor's Choice
International Classical Music Awards, 2019, Nominee - Baroque Vocal
Gramophone Awards, 2020, Shortlisted - Recital
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Blow: An Ode on the Death of Mr Henry Purcell
Recommended& other works
Emma Walshe (soprano), Zoë Brookshaw (soprano), Samuel Boden (tenor), Thomas Walker (tenor), William Gaunt (bass)
Arcangelo, Jonathan Cohen
Duets for high tenor seem to have been something of a Blow speciality…and in Samuel Boden and Thomas Walker, director Jonathan Cohen has harnessed a quintessentially English sound whose lyricism... — More…
Gramophone Magazine, October 2017, Editor's Choice
BBC Music Magazine, December 2017, Choral & Song Choice
Presto Editor's Choice, September 2017
Presto Recordings of the Year, Finalist 2017
BBC Music Magazine Awards, 2018, Finalist - Vocal
Record Review, 21st October 2017, Recording of the Week
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Countertenor duets by Purcell & Blow
James Bowman (countertenor) & Michael Chance (countertenor)
The King’s Consort, Robert King
Such complementary voices, Chance fine-drawn, Bowman a touch richer, more coloured, are ideal in this selection of inventive duets. Blow's Ode on Purcell's death is particularly fine, intensely... — More…
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Mead’s theatrical experience comes through most clearly in his dramatic rendering of some of the songs from the odes…The stage songs are often presented with an affecting fluidity, as in William... — More…
$17.50 -
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Blow & Lawes - An Ode and English Songs
Anner Bylsma (violoncello), Ricardo Kanji (recorder), Marion Verbruggen (recorder), James Bowman (countertenor), Gustav Leonhardt (harpsichord), René Jacobs (countertenor), Toyohiko Satoh (lute), Max van Egmond (bass vocal), Marie Leonhardt (violin), Antoinette van den Hombergh (violin), Nobuko Yamamoto...
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Purcell & Blow: Odes & Songs
Carlos Mena & Damien Guillon (countertenors) & Philippe Pierlot (bass viol, direction)
Ricercar Consort
Mena and Guillon both sound entirely at ease with Dryden's eloquent English and the musical moods to illustrate literary illusions are captured poignantly...the recorders blend sensitively with... — More…
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The English Orpheus 12 - Odes on the Death of Henry Purcell
Ruth Holton (soprano), Rogers Covey-Crump (tenor), Charles Daniels (tenor), Simon Birchall (bass)
The Parley of Instruments, Roy Goodman, Peter Holman
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Remembering Alfred Deller
James Bowman & Robin Blaze (countertenors), John Turner & Laura Robinson (recorders)
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