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Wood, Haydn - Roses of Picardy

Genres: Vocal » Songs
Showing 1 - 10 of 25 results
Showing 1 - 10 of 25 results
  • Robert White (tenor), Stephen Hough (piano)


    Original price ($11.75) Reduced price $7.05

    In stock

    Usually despatched within 1 working day

    Only 8 left at clearance price
    Maximum 1 purchase per customer
    Clearance prices not guaranteed until checkout is completed

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Thomas Allen (baritone), Malcolm Martineau (piano)


    This release includes a digital booklet

  • The Best of British Light Music

    Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, RTE Concert Orchestra, Slovak Philharmonic Male Chorus, Andrew Penny, Adrian Leaper, Ernest Tomlinson, Gary Carpenter



    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Teddy Tahu Rhodes (bass-baritone), Alex Raineri (piano)

    Southern Cross Soloists



    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    No digital booklet included

  • Songs from British composers, 1823-1945

    Kathryn Rudge (mezzo-soprano) & James Baillieu (piano)



    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Ernest Tomlinson

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Slovenský filharmonický zbor, Symfonický orchester Slovenského rozhlasu, RTE Concert Orchestra, Adrian Leaper, Ernest Tomlinson, Andrew Penny

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Sophie Bevan (soprano), Sebastian Wybrew (piano)

    This beautifully programmed recital will make you want to rush out and buy as many volumes of British songs as you can…the real showstoppers are the lovingly rendered wartime lollipops, steeped... More…



    Usually despatched in 4 - 5 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • A Piano Bouquet

    Janice Weber (piano)

    2 CDs


    Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

    This release includes a digital booklet

  • Freddy Gardner, Reginald Foort

    Orchestre Raymonde, Peter Yorke Concert Orchestra, Queen's Hall Light Orchestra, New Concert Orchestra, Charles Williams Concert Orchestra, Debroy Somers Band, Light Symphony Orchestra, London Palladium Orchestra, BBC Variety Orchestra, Robert Preston, Haydn Wood,...

    No digital booklet included