Encina - Triste España sin ventura
Special offer. Isabel I, Queen of Castile
Music from the time of Isabelle la Catholique, the first great queen of the Renaissance (1451-1504).
Montserrat Figueras (soprano)
La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Hespèrion XXI, Jordi Savall
This is a thrilling recording that captures the spirit of the 15th century of Spain's Queen Isabel I. Recorded in sound of amazing immediacy. — More…
Gramophone Magazine, May 2005, Editor's Choice
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La Spagna: A Tune Through Three Centuries
Variations on a Spanish Theme
Atrium Musicæ de Madrid, Gregorio Paniagua
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Ay Luna
Music from the Golden Age of Catholic Spain
Unda Maris: Guillemette Laurens (voice), Damien Colcomb (organ), Françoise Johannel (harp), Mike Fentross (vihuela), Francis Lassus (percussion)
$11.50 -
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La Spagna XV-XVI-XVII centuries
The tune in different versions from 15th, 16th & 17th centuries
Atrivm Mvsicae de Madrid, Gregorio Paniagua
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Mynstrelles With Straunge Sounds
The Earliest Consort Music For Viols
Clare Wilkinson (mezzo-soprano)
Rose Consort of Viols
Wilkinson’s androgynous, straight tone chafes vividly against the viols – a smooth gloss on a pitted sound that creates necessary variety and beauty in a disc that might easily have been a historical... — More…
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La musica extremada
Spanish keyboard music from the 15th to 18th century
Carlos Garcia-Bernalt (Organ of the Real Capilla de San Jeronimo de la Universidad de Salamanca)
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