Zarebski - Piano Quintet in G minor, Op. 34
Chamber » Quintets » Piano Quintets
[Zarebski] wrote [his Piano Quintet] in the year of his premature death, dedicating it to his teacher Liszt, and the virtuosity that implies is caught here in a performance of passionate warmth...Again,... — More…
BBC Music Magazine, Chamber Choice
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For me, the real discovery here is the Piano Quintet by Juliusz Zarębski (1854–1885). This I will tell you point blank: Zarębski’s quintet alone is worth the price of the disc and then some.... — More…
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total delight from beginning to end of a varied, well filled and recorded disc...The Zarebski is indeed by some way the most impressive work here: impassioned, varied, and well constructed. — More…
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Juliusz Zarebski (1854-85) was a renowned pianist and composer, garnering high praise from Liszt…and Borodin. His reputation today rests on his marvellous G minor Piano Quintet… The newly... — More…
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Polish Piano Music
Władysław Szpilman, Warsaw Quintet, Vlado Perlemuter (piano), Noel Mewton-Wood
Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra, Walter Goehr
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Special offer. Martha Argerich - The Lugano Recordings
Recordings from 2002-2016
Martha Argerich (piano)
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