Petitgirard: Si Yeou Ki (The Journey to the West)
Hungarian Symphony Orchestra Budapest, Laurent Petitgirard
Audio formats guideContents
Petitgirard: Si Yeou Ki, Part I
- Hungarian Symphony Orchestra Budapest
- Laurent Petitgirard
Rêve et départ de San Ts'ang (Xuanzang's Dream and Departure)
La délivrance de Souen Wou K'ong (The Deliverance of Sun Wukong)
Les Six Brigands (The Six Bandits)
Petitgirard: Si Yeou Ki, Part II
- Hungarian Symphony Orchestra Budapest
- Laurent Petitgirard
Le triple meurtre et le châtiment de Souen Wou K'ong (The Triple Murder and Punishment of Sun Wukong)
Tunique Jaune et la Princesse Jalousée des cents fleurs (The Yellow-Robed Monster and the Jealous Princess of a Hundred Flowers)
Le Tournoi Magique (The Magic Tournament)
Le Poisson d'Or (The Golden Fish)
Le Royaume des Femmes (The Kingdom of Women)
Petitgirard: Si Yeou Ki, Part III
- Hungarian Symphony Orchestra Budapest
- Laurent Petitgirard
Le petit Temple du Fracas du Tonnerre (Lesser Thunder Monastery)
Le vol des armes précieuses (The Robbery of the Precious Weapons)
L'Arrivée au Temple du Fracas du Tonnerre et l'Obtention des Livres (Arrival at the Temple of the Thunder Smash and Obtaining the Books)
Le retour des Voyageurs à Tch'ang Ngan et leur admission au Paradis d'Occident (The Return of Travellers to Chang'an and Their Admission to the Western Paradise)