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Petitgirard: Si Yeou Ki (The Journey to the West)

Hungarian Symphony Orchestra Budapest, Laurent Petitgirard



Usually despatched in 3 - 4 working days

This release includes a digital booklet


Petitgirard: Si Yeou Ki, Part I

Work length24:38
  • Hungarian Symphony Orchestra Budapest
  • Laurent Petitgirard

Rêve et départ de San Ts'ang (Xuanzang's Dream and Departure)

Track length1:28

La délivrance de Souen Wou K'ong (The Deliverance of Sun Wukong)

Track length3:10

Les Six Brigands (The Six Bandits)

Track length2:55

La conversion de Tchou Wou Neng (Pa Kiai) (Zhu Bajie's Conversion)

Track length3:45

La conversion de Cha Wou Tsing (Cha Seng) (Sha Wujing's Conversion)

Track length5:42

La tentation de Tchou Pa Kiai (The Temptation of Zhu Bajie)

Track length4:29

Destruction, résurrection de l'arbre Ginseng et combats (Destruction, Resurrection of the Ginseng Tree and Fights)

Track length3:09

Petitgirard: Si Yeou Ki, Part II

Work length21:44
  • Hungarian Symphony Orchestra Budapest
  • Laurent Petitgirard

Le triple meurtre et le châtiment de Souen Wou K'ong (The Triple Murder and Punishment of Sun Wukong)

Track length2:57

Tunique Jaune et la Princesse Jalousée des cents fleurs (The Yellow-Robed Monster and the Jealous Princess of a Hundred Flowers)

Track length6:56

Le Tournoi Magique (The Magic Tournament)

Track length4:09

Le Poisson d'Or (The Golden Fish)

Track length4:34

Le Royaume des Femmes (The Kingdom of Women)

Track length3:08

Petitgirard: Si Yeou Ki, Part III

Work length27:06
  • Hungarian Symphony Orchestra Budapest
  • Laurent Petitgirard

Le petit Temple du Fracas du Tonnerre (Lesser Thunder Monastery)

Track length5:31

Le vol des armes précieuses (The Robbery of the Precious Weapons)

Track length5:35

L'Arrivée au Temple du Fracas du Tonnerre et l'Obtention des Livres (Arrival at the Temple of the Thunder Smash and Obtaining the Books)

Track length10:56

Le retour des Voyageurs à Tch'ang Ngan et leur admission au Paradis d'Occident (The Return of Travellers to Chang'an and Their Admission to the Western Paradise)

Track length5:04