Songs Of The Romantic Age
Patrice Michaels Bedi (soprano), Deborah Sobol (piano)
Audio formats guideContents
Godard, B: Chanson de juin (Song of June)
- Patrice Michaels, Deborah Sobol
Debussy: Paysage sentimental (Sentimental landscape)
- Patrice Michaels, Deborah Sobol
- Patrice Michaels, Deborah Sobol
Le colibri [the Hummingbird]
Bachelet: Chère nuit
- Patrice Michaels, Deborah Sobol
Chere nuit (Dearest Night)
Fauré: 2 Songs, Op. 27
- Patrice Michaels, Deborah Sobol
Chanson d'Amour, Op. 27, No. 1
Pierné, G: Serenade, Op. 7
- Patrice Michaels, Deborah Sobol
- Patrice Michaels, Deborah Sobol
Moja pieszczotka (My Darling), Op. 74, No. 12
- Patrice Michaels, Deborah Sobol
No. 12, Ich hab'in Traum geweinet (In a dream I wept)
- Patrice Michaels, Deborah Sobol
Bei der Wiege [At the Cradle], Op. 47, No. 6
Medtner: Erster Verlust (First Loss), Op. 6, No. 8
- Patrice Michaels, Deborah Sobol