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Jazzing: New York City's Unseen Scene

  • Author: Greenland, Thomas H
Jazzing is a veritable whirlwind of congruent, conflicting and overlapping points of view. From Greenland's wide-angle vantage point . . . the listening to, presenting, writing about, photographing,... More…



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  • CoverTitleContentsAcknowledgmentsPrologueIntroduction: The Unseen Scene
  • 1. Listening to Jazz
  • 2. Developing "Big Ears": Jazz Fans
  • 3. Making the Scene: Fan Communities
  • 4. Providing a Place and Time: Jazz Presenters
  • 5. Jazz Jobbing: Music Professionals6 .Hear and Now: Collective Improvisation and Spiritual SynergyEpilogue: Making the ChangesAppendix: InterviewsNotesReferencesDiscographyIndex