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Selected Correspondence of Charles Ives

  • Author: Ives, C
  • Editor: Owens, Tom C.
This is the most informative and revealing direct line to Charles Ives and his context since John Kirkpatrick's edition of the Memos came out in 1972



Usually despatched in 5 - 7 working days


  • list of illustrations
  • acknowledgments
  • introduction 1. childhood, hopkins, and yale (1881--1903) 2. courtship and marriage (1907--1908) 3. call and response (1911--1936) 4. health (1907--1954) 5. collaborators and champions (1923--1933) 6. travel (1930--1938) 7. editors and performers (1933--1
  • appendix list of letters and formats selected
  • bibliography
  • index