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Lorca in Tune with Falla: Literary and Musical Interludes

  • Author: Orringer, Nelson R.
This meticulously researched endeavor transcends its temporal and topographic confines. A fascinating book. Highly recommended



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  • Illustrations and Musical Examples
  • Preface
  • Acknowledgements Musical
  • Glossary
  • Introduction The Intersection of Two Artist's Lives
  • Chapter 1 . Music in Lorca's Letters before Meeting Falla
  • Chapter 2 . Falla's Fantasy Baetica [Andalusian Fantasy] and Lorca's "Baladilla de los tres rios" [Little Ballad of the Three Rivers]: Two Searches for Andalusian Wellsprings
  • Chapter 3 . "Poema de la siguiriya gitana" [Poem of the Gypsy Siguiriya]: Return to the Sources of Deep Song
  • Chapter 4 . "Poema de la solea" [Poem of the Solea]: Consciousness-Raising of Pain
  • Chapter 5 . "Poema de la saeta" [Poem of the Saeta]: The Oblation of Pain in Seville
  • Chapter 6 . "Grafico de la Petenera" [Graph of the Petenera] and Falla's Guitar Elegy to Debussy
  • Chapter 7 . Openness to Death in Flamenco Artists and in Southern Cities
  • Chapter 8 . "Seis caprichos" [Six Caprices] or Virtuosity and Art at a Distance
  • Chapter 9 . Falla on Deep Song and Lorca's Romancero gitano [Gypsy Ballads]
  • Chapter 10 . Andalusia's Cultural Spirit in Two Trios of Romancero gitano
  • Chapter 11 . Lorca's Artistic Tributes to Falla Postlude and Coda Works Consulted
  • Index